Advanced Nutrients – Bud Factor X


Bud Factor X is a unique product from Advanced Nutrients which greatly increases the level of essential oils your plant produces. This results in vast improvements to your end product in both quality and quantity. Bud Factor X will also stimulate the development of beneficial bacteria in the root zone, increasing your plants nutrient uptake. These microbes also protect your plants from disease and pathogens.

How It Works

Bud Factor X triggers Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR) in plants. This is when plants release enzymes and proteins to fight off things such as external pathogens. Bud Factor X triggers this response without damaging or stressing plants and simply tricks them into ISR mode through molecules, which look like the molecules plants rely on to produce ISR proteins. This increased enzyme level results in an increase of essential oil production, whilst simultaneously helping plants overcome stressful environmental conditions and fight off pathogens. You will notice an improvement in overall plant health and vigour but with essential oil levels through the roof you can be assured of unbeatable quality and yields as well!

How to Use Advanced Nutrients Bud Factor X

Advanced Nutrients recommend using Bud Factor X from week 1 of the blooming phase up to 2 weeks before flush at a rate of 2 ml per litre. Always use Bud Factor X alongside a quality base nutrient. Some growers even opt to apply Bud Factor X as a foliar spray.

Advanced Nutrients Bud Factor X flowering additive sits alongside products such as Rhino Skinand Nirvana to complete the exceptional hydroponic nutrient & additives range from Advanced Nutrients. For help with these products and how to use them, including ingredients and reviews, please call us, email us or check out our website.

Advanced Nutrients Bud Factor X is available in 250ml, 1L and 4L bottles.


100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1L


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