Advanced Nutrients – Big Bud

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Advanced Nutrients Big Bud is not your average PK booster. The array of high performance, natural ingredients aid your plants in reaching their optimal blooming potential. Big Bud will accelerate flowering by providing amino acids, making your flowers denser and larger with tastier fruits and strong aromas.

How It Works

Big Bud not only provides the perfect amount of PK, but an optimal amount of Amino acids; the building blocks of protein for increased floral blooming and metabolism. The bio available levels of Magnesium help to prevent potassium toxicity, this improves flavour and texture of flowers. Furthermore, the ascorbic and citric acids will improve respiration and metabolism. It will become highly visible that Big Bud increases the amount of flowering sites and the number of flowers during the early to mid-flowering cycle.

How to Use Advanced Nutrients Big Bud

Advanced Nutrients recommend to use Big Bud alongside a base nutrient such as Sensi Bloom or Connoisseur Bloom from week 2 of flowering right through to 3 weeks before harvest at a rate of 2ml per litre. If you have chosen to only use Advanced Nutrients products that boast their ‘pH perfect’ range, your pH should indeed be perfect! However if you have decided to use other products, you should always use a pH meter to check your levels and correct accordingly.

For the best results Advanced Nutrients recommend you switch your booster from Big Bud to Overdrive towards the end of flowering in order to finish, swell and ripen your crop.

Advanced Nutrients Big Bud PK booster sits alongside products such as Bud Factor X and Nirvana to complete the exceptional hydroponic nutrient & additives range from Advanced Nutrients. For help with these products and how to use them, including ingredients and reviews, please call us, email us or check out our website.

Advanced Nutrients Big Bud is available in 1L and 4L bottles.


250ml, 500ml, 1L


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